Candidate Forum - Business and Leaders Luncheon

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Name: Candidate Forum - Business and Leaders Luncheon
Date: October 15, 2024
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

Join local business and community leaders for an engaging opportunity to learn and grow together! This month's topic is the Candidate Forum. All city council and state senate and representative candidates are invited to attend. Please note the earlier start time, allowing for candidates to speak and taking questions.

Candidates Forum Participants

Gresham CITY Candidates
Kayla Brown
Jack Hollis
Cathy Vandehey Keathley
Jacquenette Josefa McIntire
Thomas Stanley (not confirmed)
Sue Piazza
Timothy Youker
Troutdale MAYOR Candidates
David Ripma (not confirmed)
Geoffrey Wunn

STATE Candidates
Zach Hudson
Terry Tipsord
Paul Drechsler
Ricki Ruiz
Chris Gorsek
Raymond Love
Mt. Hood Community College
Town & Gown Room

26000 SE Stark Street
Gresham, OR 97030
Date/Time Information:
Doors Open 11:00am
Lunch Available 11:15am
Begin PROMPTLY 11:40am
Contact Information:
Thea Enos
Please register by Friday, Oct 11 to attend and reserve your seat. Lunch is $22 for members, $25 for non-members, or $5 for a beverage only.
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